Solid Waste Things that are not useful as garbage and other solid waste is seen in parks, and anywhere as beaches, streets or places of entertainment. One of the most serious problems confronting society today is the unwillingness or location of the waste or waste that originates commercial and industrial activities of daily living of the population, forming what is called garbage.
La Basura
Litter is any material considered as waste and we need to eliminate. Litter is a product of human activities which is considered to be equal to zero by the cast. It need not be odoriferous, repugnant and undesirable, it depends on the origin and composition.
The trash can be classified according to their composition:
Organic waste means any waste of biological origin, which once was alive or was part of a living being, for example, leaves, branches, shells and debris from the manufacture of food at home, etc.
Inorganic residue means any non-biological waste, industrial sources or some other unnatural process, eg plastics, synthetic fabrics, etc..
Hazardous waste (see Hazardous Waste Management): All waste, whether biological or not, constitutes a potential danger (CRETIB code) and which must be specially treated, for example, infectious medical material, radioactive waste , acids and corrosive chemicals
Basura Espacial
Is called space junk space junk or any useless artificial object orbiting the Earth. It consists of things as varied as large remnants of old rockets and satellites, explosion debris, or remnants of rocket components such as dust and small particles of paint.
Space debris has become a growing concern in recent years, since collisions at orbital velocities can be highly damaging to functioning satellites and can also produce even more space debris in a process called Kessler Syndrome.
Organic waste:
Composed of food waste, animal, paper, fruits and other plants. Are considered biodegradable materials, which with the passage of time, humidity and heat, with the help of fungi and bacteria that are des compositors, decompose these remains and transform it into humus.
Inorganic waste:
Consists of non-biodegradable materials, requires a technological process for processing, such as glass, plastic, metals, diapers and paper towels, and many others.
Industrial waste
Industrial solid waste are part of the collection of household and similar waste, but the terms and conditions of treatment are the same, these wastes are not hazardous or toxic agents and the handling or storage does not require special precautions.
Materials of industrial solid waste:
Wood (40%)
Paper and cardboard (16%)
Metals (14%)
Textiles / Leather
Organic waste
Residuos Sólidos cosas que no son útiles como basura y otros residuos sólidos se ve en los parques, y en cualquier lugar como las playas, calles o lugares de entretenimiento. Uno de los problemas más serios que enfrenta la sociedad actual es la falta de voluntad o la ubicación del o de los residuos que se origina en actividades comerciales e industriales de la vida diaria de la población, formando lo que se llama basura.
La Basura
La basura es todo material considerado como desecho y que tenemos que eliminar. La basura es un producto de actividades humanas que se considera igual a cero por el elenco. No tiene que ser odoríferas, repugnante e indeseable, que depende del origen y la composición.
La basura se puede clasificar según su composición:
Los residuos orgánicos, residuos de origen biológico, que una vez estaba vivo o fue parte de un ser vivo, por ejemplo, hojas, ramas, cáscaras y residuos de la fabricación de alimentos en el hogar, etc
de residuos inorgánicos, residuos no biológicos, fuentes industriales o algún proceso no natural, por ejemplo, plásticos, telas sintéticas, etc.
Residuos peligrosos (véase Gestión de Residuos Peligrosos): Todos los desechos, ya sean biológicos o no, constituye un peligro potencial (código CRETIB) y que deben ser especialmente tratados, por ejemplo, material infeccioso médicos, residuos radiactivos, ácidos y productos químicos corrosivos
Basura Espacial
Es basura llamado espacio basura espacial o un objeto inútil artificiales orbitando la Tierra. Se compone de cosas tan variadas como grandes restos de cohetes y satélites viejos, restos de explosiones, o restos de componentes de cohetes como polvo y pequeñas partículas de pintura.
Los desechos espaciales se ha convertido en una preocupación creciente en los últimos años, ya que las colisiones a velocidades orbitales pueden ser altamente perjudiciales para los satélites funcionamiento y pueden también producir aún más basura espacial en un proceso llamado Síndrome de Kessler.
Los residuos orgánicos:
Compuesto por residuos de alimentos, animales, papel, frutas y otras plantas. Son considerados materiales biodegradables, que con el paso del tiempo, la humedad y el calor, con la ayuda de hongos y bacterias que son compositores des, estos restos se descomponen y transforman en humus.
De residuos inorgánicos:
Se compone de materiales no biodegradables, requiere un proceso tecnológico para el procesamiento, tales como vidrio, plástico, metales, pañales y toallas de papel, y muchos otros.
De residuos industriales
Los residuos industriales sólidos son parte de la colección de los residuos domésticos y similares, pero los términos y condiciones del tratamiento son los mismos, estos residuos no son agentes peligrosos o tóxicos y la manipulación o el almacenamiento no requiere precauciones especiales.
Materiales de los residuos sólidos industriales:
De madera (40%)
Papel y cartón (16%)
Metales (14%)
Textil y de cuero
Los residuos orgánicos
La Basura
Litter is any material considered as waste and we need to eliminate. Litter is a product of human activities which is considered to be equal to zero by the cast. It need not be odoriferous, repugnant and undesirable, it depends on the origin and composition.
The trash can be classified according to their composition:
Organic waste means any waste of biological origin, which once was alive or was part of a living being, for example, leaves, branches, shells and debris from the manufacture of food at home, etc.
Inorganic residue means any non-biological waste, industrial sources or some other unnatural process, eg plastics, synthetic fabrics, etc..
Hazardous waste (see Hazardous Waste Management): All waste, whether biological or not, constitutes a potential danger (CRETIB code) and which must be specially treated, for example, infectious medical material, radioactive waste , acids and corrosive chemicals
Basura Espacial
Is called space junk space junk or any useless artificial object orbiting the Earth. It consists of things as varied as large remnants of old rockets and satellites, explosion debris, or remnants of rocket components such as dust and small particles of paint.
Space debris has become a growing concern in recent years, since collisions at orbital velocities can be highly damaging to functioning satellites and can also produce even more space debris in a process called Kessler Syndrome.
Organic waste:
Composed of food waste, animal, paper, fruits and other plants. Are considered biodegradable materials, which with the passage of time, humidity and heat, with the help of fungi and bacteria that are des compositors, decompose these remains and transform it into humus.
Inorganic waste:
Consists of non-biodegradable materials, requires a technological process for processing, such as glass, plastic, metals, diapers and paper towels, and many others.
Industrial waste
Industrial solid waste are part of the collection of household and similar waste, but the terms and conditions of treatment are the same, these wastes are not hazardous or toxic agents and the handling or storage does not require special precautions.
Materials of industrial solid waste:
Wood (40%)
Paper and cardboard (16%)
Metals (14%)
Textiles / Leather
Organic waste